20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
I was up early this morning here in Ulanbaatar, Mongolia and decided to just spend some time in prayer to be ready for my day. As I paced back and forth in front of my window I noticed several people started just standing at the locked gate to the property where I am staying. They would every once in a while glance toward the front door to see if someone was coming to unlock the gate. Just to the left and behind this scene is a Buddhist Temple that they have been putting a fresh coat of paint on all week. I even saw the Monk for this temple standing in front it the other day. It struck me as I stood there looking at this scene that so many people do not know that the Lord of creation is standing at the door of their heart and knocking. All they need is an invitation to open up the door of their heart. They do not need to clean up or be put on probation before they really come to relationship with the Lord Jesus. (re-read Luke 15 the story of Prodigal Son). Jesus takes us right where we are at. This picture captured my heart this morning and motivated me to pray for a harvest of souls in the world today. Ed