Friday, August 27, 2010

Great Coaching Article

My friend Dennis McIntee wrote this article on questions we should ask our team. The method he describes here is really good. 

I have used it in counseling but I never thought about it in COACHING my leaders.

Coaching Questions for your Team
Friday, August 27, 2010 7:28 AM

The Pull Model is a coaching mindset of high performance leaders that makes all the difference in the world.  Instead of basing your leadership on having to push your team for performance, you can actually use attraction to empower them to fulfill their potential.  Instead of trying to force them for certain outcomes using fear, consequences or threats try tapping into their personal vision, goals and talents.  In fact, if you haven’t realized it already…you can’t make people do anything, people do things for their own reasons!

Here are some questions for tapping into people’s internal drivers:

1.  What do you want to be doing that you aren’t currently doing?

2.  What areas do you want to improve?

3.  What is most important to you in your life/career?

4.  How can I best hold you accountable for achieving the results you want to achieve?

5.  How do you want me to approach you if you don’t follow through with the commitments that you make?

Questions help people uncover their personal “Why’s”.  When people understand their Why’s they will use their own energy to achieve the goals.  This definitely beats using your energy to try to drive them.

Keep Leading, Keeping Growing!  The culture you’re creating is determining the results you enjoy!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Moments, Momentum, & Movements

Capture the MOMENT - there are moments in our lives, ministries, business, that we would like to capture them and build on them. Slow down long enough to recognize them and see the what, where, when, and how of that moment so we can learn from them.

Sustain the MOMENTUM - a captured moment repeated will create momentum in us and through us which propels us forward into our destiny and purpose. (these things can and should happen individually and corporately)

See a MOVEMENT begin - life is made up of thousands of little moments, the question is can we capture the good ones and repeat them? Can we take the bad ones and forget them except for the lesson we learned? Can we roll with the momentum that is created by repeating the good moments? Our answers will tell us if we will ever see a MOVEMENT created in us and through us.

My personal desire is to see God use me and those whom I serve with to create a MOVEMENT that will change the world we live in by TOUCHing THE CITY - TEACHing THE NATION - TRAINing THE WORLD.

I know that it is BIG but I serve a BIG GOD. These are just some thoughts that are not set in stone but maybe they are a way to wrap my head around our VISION so I can daily capture moments that move us toward the prize. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!

Plus these thoughts coincide with : Luke 16:10-12
10 "If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities.11 And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?12 And if you are not faithful with other people's things, why should you be trusted with things of your own?

As a public speaker I never know when the words I speak might help a person capture their MOMENT  which propels them forward with MOMENTUM into a new helpful direction that may begin a whole new MOVEMENT that may change the course of their personal history or even the lives of others whom they will touch.  MAYBE JUST MAYBE I AM SPEAKING TO WORLD CHANGERS.

Let's be FAITHFUL!!