I am so sorry that there has been a delay in the continuation of these thoughts. Here are my excuses: 1) A big event that I had to participate in that lasted ten days. 2) A vacation that lasted 11 days including the travel days. I know those are not good enough - like you have been waiting with baited breath HA HA!! Oh well, we continue on . . .
Genesis 41:1-5 Jacob sends his sons to Egypt to get grain so that they will not starve.
EVEN WHEN BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING ALL AROUND God can turn them around for your good. I can promise you that God is at work in your situation and you do not even see it and many times He has been at work for many years preparing you for such a time as this.
Joseph could only hold on to the dream which was taking years to come to pass.
Jacob, his dad was just dealing with a broken heart and he could not really see God at work in this crisis.
The brothers were just existing and they really could not see God at work in this crisis.
Genesis 41:6-9 Dreams really do come true and Joseph found that out. (Genesis 37)
To me the great thing about this chapter is how Joseph handled himself in front of his brothers. NOTE:
When your dreams come true be classy and not arrogant so God can continue to use you. He could have really let the hammer down in revenge and hurt them for hurting him. Instead he had a plan to redeem his entire family plus he blessed his brothers. Check out
Genesis 41:35.
Harboring bitterness and unforgiveness is like taking poison and expecting it to kill the other guy who hurt you.
Let's all commit to taking the high road like Joseph and God can trust us to make a difference and save many form destruction.