Monday, February 14, 2011

Five Things Generations Should Know From Their Pastor

Sunday at Generations was EPIC! We have started on a journey that will take each of us on a journey that we never dreamed of before. I know that you are ready for this EPIC journey. Faith and audacity will take our lives to new heights that only God dreamed we could attain.


1. YOUR CITY NEEDS YOU - There are people in your neighborhood, on your job, in your family, and virtually everywhere you look that are DESPERATELY looking for love. YOU are the delivery mechanism for the love of God to be delivered to them. He (GOD) is pulling the trigger on HIS mechanism (YOU).

2. MIRACLES ARE IN MOTION - This is more than a slogan or the title to a cute sermon series. This is a BEDROCK conviction that Jesus is the same YESTERDAY, TODAY, & FOREVER (Hebrews 13:8). Jesus is positioning you in a MIRACLE PLACE of favor so that you can influence as many people as possible for the CAUSE of His Kingdom. This includes how your marriage and family functions to how that He is changing your position in the work force.

3. ARE YOU AS PREGNANT AS I AM? - By this I mean are you as full of VISION as I am? If you are you will begin to pray SUN STAND STILL prayers that will enable you and Generations to TOUCH THE CITY - TEACH THE NATIONS - TRAIN THE WORLD. Our VISION will give birth to thousands of people from all walks of life becoming Christ followers.

4. WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER - I am going to ask you to put aside anything in your life that is self exalting. YEAH! I know, where do I get off asking you to do this? WE can accomplish so much more together if we will focus on doing everything as a TEAM. If you are not a part of ministry team NOW is the time to get involved and serve. If you have a MINISTRY IDEA that you have been sitting on and wait for the go ahead DO NOT LET MONEY OR ANYTHING SMALL LIKE THAT HOLD YOU BACK. As long as it flows with our VISION to TOUCH - TEACH - TRAIN go for it. The only thing that I ask is that you refuse the mentality of a LONE RANGER Get a group of people to do it with you because WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER.

5. OUR GREATEST NEED - Is not money, a building, or even more people. OUR GREATEST NEED is more of Jesus in our hearts, lives, homes, & work place. Will you seek to involve Jesus in every area of your life? More money, more buildings, & more people will come if we have our priorities straight. Get so close to Jesus that you can hear Him give you a directive that can only be accomplished with HIM working through you by praying SUN STAND STILL prayers in FAITH.

Finally I pray that you are realizing that we are capturing some AMAZING MOMENTS each Sunday morning and turning them into MAJOR MOMENTUM which will eventually turn into a MONSTER MOVEMENT that will change lives for all eternity.