Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Historic year is about to pass.

Ready or not here we go into 2009. I hear it, see it, believe it. have faith for it, and I confess it. This coming year will be the best ever.

Where am I? I am at home writing this and enjoying another relaxing day during the holidays. I hope that you have found time to relax.

My favorite Christmas moment for this year was just the true spirit of Christmas around our home this year. All of my children are married to Godly spouses and they genuinely love each other and like each other, so we really had a fun Christmas. Of courses since Will is the only grand child he was the center of attention.

My funniest Christmas moment was the day after Christmas when all the kids were at our house and we were playing a game together. This is kind of a miracle because we are all so competitive that someone usually ends up mad. This was not like that except Jeff in his usual competitive way semi - shouts at Olivia (Lance's wife of one month) "OLIVIA YOU CAN'T DO THAT." She looked stunned but she also knew that she was now really part of the family. To Jeff's credit the next day he called her and apologized for his outburst. It was all very funny.

What am I looking forward to? Well I must say that the church I pastor is moving to a new level of ministry as we lease our own facility for the first time. You cannot buy advertising like we will have on 24/7 basis. I believe that we will take a quantum leap this year.

Live your dream in2009,

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


The Emmanuel principle . . . God with us. How many times have you heard "He will never leave, nor forsake you?" To some this is just the polite Christian conversation when someone is in a crisis or what I call "preacher propaganda." For some reason this Christmas this scripture really hit me between the eyes.

Matt 1:23 "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which is translated, "God with us." NKJV

Heb 13:5-6
5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." 6 So we may boldly say:
"The LORD is my helper;I will not fear.What can man do to me?"NKJV

Guess what? Here is a thought for you to take with you. If He is with us whenever where ever and He never leaves nor forsakes us then guess what? Where ever we go He is with them. Yes, you need to let out a little salt, let out a little light since He is with you He is with them through you.

Reach out and touch somebody this Christmas!!
Merry Christmas

Monday, December 22, 2008

Jesus is . . .

THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. Jesus is what the world needs now.

THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. The world is in gross darkness and confused on many levels. The world needs His light.

THE HOPE OF THE WORLD. He brings hope where others bring disappointment.

If being a Christian and believing in the virgin birth of Jesus at Christmas (who cares whether or not it was Dec. 25th) is wrong then I do not want to be right.

Peace to you,

Monday, December 15, 2008

Cool stuff in my world . . .

My family continues to amaze me as they grow. Lance seems to call several times a week since he got married. I miss him a lot but I guess I should just get over it since he has been out of the house for five years.

My favorite moment of recent days - Well it came about a week ago when Jeff & Lacey, Chris, Denae, & Will came over and the 6 of us played Pictionary 20th Anniversary Edition together. Jeff & I were partners and we won. Chris & Connie were partners and were last but they were really funny. Will just played around the table and never fussed as he went from person to person all night. Lance and Olivia we miss you. If you only new the history of my family and board games. You would have found this a wonderful event as I did.

What am I reading? I found a little book on the sale rack by Les Parrott, "Three Seconds" The power of thinking twice. I have found it very helpful. Check it out.

What am I looking forward to? I want to see some pictures from Lance & Olivia's wedding. I want to see the pictures from Friday night when Connie & I went to Vintage Township and took pictures with Will and his parents (Chris & Denae).

What have I been listening to? Two things: Faith Hill's new Christmas CD and Dr. Cho's CD from the 2005 VISION CONFERENCE in Seattle (I have listened to it 3 times).

Peace To All!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rambo vs. Courage

I recently read this definition of "COURAGE." Courage is not the absence of fear but courage is doing the right thing in the face of fear.

That just went off on the inside of me like a bomb. Doing the right thing (the God thing) no matter what the circumstances are.

At the family reunion . . .
At the holiday party . . . .
On the job . . . when everyone else gets away with it.
In school . . .
In private . . .
At church . . .
While texting . . .

Most certainly fear will come but we all know that this is when the real Christian comes out and not Rambo.

These girls were speaking what the Lord had shown them. They had to have the courage to do so in front of several hundred of their peers.

Joshua had to face this Joshua 1:6-9
6 "Be strong and courageous, for you will lead my people to possess all the land I swore to give their ancestors. 7 Be strong and very courageous. Obey all the laws Moses gave you. Do not turn away from them, and you will be successful in everything you do. 8 Study this Book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed. 9 I command you — be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."NLT

Merry Christmas,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

What are you ENDORSING?

Endorsement -to approve openly ; especially : to express support or approval of publicly and definitely b: to recommend (as a product or service) usually for financial compensation.

At the end of all the campaigning which meant listening to all of these endless endorsements of candidates from local, state, and national levels I decided to make a list of what I endorse. I also was challenged to examine my life and make sure my life endorses these things and not just my mouth.

The list could probably go on forever . . . . so I just thought of a few things. I pray that you are challenged and I hope that you laugh a little.

I ENDORSE VACATIONS . . . for as long as I can remember we have taken family vacations. Even as a child my parents did not have much but I can remember several family vacations. As I became a husband and father we tried to continue this tradition and even now with an empty nest Connie and I still take a vacation. My suggestion is a remote island. We like St. Martin.

I ENDORSE READING . . . Read for relaxation, knowledge, and understanding. Those are all the reasons I am an avid reader. Jenny, my grandmother on my Dad's side pushed me to become an avid reader. I am not sure she ever knew what a profound affect she had on my life. Today I read because I want to learn and be mentored by others who know more than me. If you do not like to read I would imagine you are not growing in your life or your walk. Of course in this day and time pod casts and compact discs can take the place of reading.

I ENDORSE WATCHES . . . I am a confessed watch freak. I love cool watches. I am not sure that you would call me a collector but I do enjoy wearing different watches with different styles of clothing. I know that probably makes me weird or a Metro - sexual or something??

I ENDORSE COIN OPERATED KIDDY RIDES - Now that I am a Grandfather or as I want to be called POP I love the fact that I can drop a few quarters into a very simple little plastic horse that will electrically move back and forth and make my grandson smile so big it makes you want to jump up and down for joy. Not to mention all the people that stop by and coo and smile and tell you how cute he is. This makes my chest swell and eyes flood all at the same time.

I ENDORSE DUBLIN DR. PEPPER - Recently I had a young college girl (Jody) who attends the church I Pastor ask me if she could bring me back a six pack of Dublin Dr. Pepper. My enthusiastic reply was of course. Now for the uninitiated you may think this is crazy! In the 1070's and 1980's when the price of sugar began to rise most pop bottlers switched to high fructose corn syrup. Well Dublin Dr. Pepper is still made the old fashioned way with Imperial Pure Can sugar and man is it good. Plus it still comes in a glass bottle (no left over aluminum taste). You can only get this drink in a 44 mile radius of Dublin, TX. If you are ever there get some. MMMMMMMMMMM GOOD!!!

I ENDORSE GOLF . . . Yes, I love to chase a little white ball around and try to knock it in a small hole in the least amount of strokes. For some this game is about as much fun as watching paint dry. There are so many life lessons found in golf that there would not be time or space enough to write about them so lets just say I love it because . . . it is me against the course. I can enjoy it by myself or with a group. I measure myself against a course standard not a another individuals standard. It is almost like reading the Bible. The standard never changes. Now I know there are different golf courses around the world but you are still playing against par. I hope this makes sense. It does to me.

I ENDORSE WORSHIP . . . To me worship is so much more than singing a few songs at church. Worship is really used to describe a lifestyle. Worship just so happens to include music but it really is all about our relationship to a loving Creator who lost relationship with His creation because of one simple act of rebellion. Worship came into being because of this love affair of a Creator longing to see restoration with His creation. If we could just see our lives in the context of worship then things would be so different and I believe so much better. Worship is giving and not taking. We all worship when we give so lets practice some worship by giving our time, energy, talent, emotion, and of course this could include money. Worship is an investment we make to which the returns cannot always be measured by this worlds standards.

I ENDORSE MARRIAGE . . . WOW!! This one could be really long but it won't be. Let me just say that I am not made to be single. I have known this for a very long time, so I am very grateful to be married to the most awesome woman on the planet now for over 30yrs. She is my confidant, best friend, lover, vacation planner & partner, incredible Pastor's wife, great teacher/preacher, mother, and so much more. As a bi-product of this awesome marriage we have produced three of the most incredible children on the planet. I am so proud of Jeff, Denae, and Lance. God has given you incredible spouses to go along with each of you and I am so privileged to be called your Father. Let me just add my parents into this endorsement. They have been married for more than 50yrs and what an example they have been to me and their grand children. I salute you Mom & Dad!!!!

I ENDORSE CHURCH . . . Many of you have heard me say before that I became a Christian long before I became a Pastor. All this means is that if I had never preached a single sermon in my life that I would still as a Christian endorse the local church. Is the church perfect? The answer to this question is obvious but the church is still the living force through which God is going to touch this earth and make it better. We connect with others of like faith to reach a common goal of making a difference. We have a place of support when we need it. If being a Christian and a regularly attender at a local church is wrong then I do not ever want to be right. Let's go ahead and take a risk worth taking and commit to a local church through which we can love a lost and hurting world. We can do more together than we can separately.

I ENDORSE INTEGRITY . . . The root of the word integrity is integer or whole numbers therefore the root meaning of integrity has everything to do with wholeness. It is when we divide ourselves in our loyalties that we divide who we are. For example we said, "until death do us part" but what we meant was until something better came along. Integrity just means that we are who we say we are and we will do what we say we will do. This is why when my kids were growing up I very rarely promised anything. My kids would ask me to promise them that we would go here or do this and I very rarely ever did because what if something genuinely came up and I had to change it? I did not want to be a liar. I cannot remember who to give credit to for this saying but I think of it often. "I AM NOT PERFECT BUT I AM NOT A POSER." All this means is that I am not a perfect husband, father, Christian, or Pastor but I am not posing I AM TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD AND I BELIEVE THAT HE IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE AND NO ONE CAN COME TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH HIM.

The End.

Friday, October 31, 2008

America's CHOICE

Right or left, up or down, black or white, stop or start, ABC or NBC, football or basketball well you get the idea life is made up of choices. America is making one of great importance next Tuesday. I personally have already made my choice. I voted yesterday at an early voting location. I just thought that I would do my part to help those of you that read this on a regular basis or maybe just checking it out for the first time to make an informed choice.


A thinking Christians response to ABORTION:

1. Abortion is not the unpardonable sin! There is forgiveness with God. However there are some natural consequences that come with this act.
a. Memories
b. What might have been?
c. Physical complications

2. We solve this crisis in America by teaching THE VALUE OF VIRGINITY to our children. Since sex sells we have devalued human sexuality down to a business or at the very least just an animal urge that we should act on when ever and with whom ever we desire. This has brought America to the place where we no longer value the life of an unborn child. The unborn child is an inconvenience that we discard by what is commonly called pro-choice. I call it murder. (note: Two prominent Bible characters recovered from the sin of murder to become prominent leaders. These men are Moses and Paul the Apostle.)

3. Our third response is to place great value on the power of adoption. Since we are all adopted into the Kingdom and our heavenly Father is a Father to the Fatherless (Psalms 68:5). This entails better laws and better information for the thousands of couples who desire to have healthy adoptions.

Of course I do have another real good reason for my conviction about life.
His name is Will and he is my grandson who helps me scoop my dogs poop out in the neighborhood.

Let's all make an informed choice at the ballot box.

With Heartfelt Conviction,

Friday, September 12, 2008

Focus . . . Focus . . . Focus . . . F. O. C. U. S.

All of us struggle at times with FOCUS (at least I think some of us do). Just some thoughts I picked up years ago from John Maxwell. I have re-fried them and shared them with adults and students alike on many occasions. I trust that this will encourage you.

The setting: Matthew 16:17-19 where Peter makes the astonishing revelation that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God. Then just a few verses later Jesus has to rebuke him.

Matt 16:23
23 But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men." NKJV

I believe that Peter lost his focus in those moments following his great revelation.

How many times have we been to the mountain top so to speak and heard the voice of the Father so clearly just to come back down and lose what we learned.

I want to offer some suggestions that may help us all.

F orget the past. (Philippians 3:12-14)

O utwork the competition (John 14:12; James 2:19,20)

C ommit (2 Timothy 1:12 in context)

U tilize your advantage (1 John 4:4; 5:4)

S eek God first. (Matthew 6:33)

Take this and use it. It helps us stay focused both on the mountain top and down in the valley.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Most rewarding 60 minutes in the mall.

Connie and I were in the mall the other day meeting Denae and Will (our grandson) for lunch. Lance and Olivia happened to be in town as well and we all were just doing different things in the mall. I gladly took Will in his stroller and we just walked the mall while the others shopped. This turned out to be great because he went to sleep almost immediately which meant that all I had to do was keep moving. To my utter shock and amazement I was stopped three times in less than an hour by three adults who recognized me and asked if I was “SEX ED.” I had brief conversations with all three of them which basically consisted of “Oh, I remember so much of what you taught us,” “Thanks, for what you do. You helped me so much.” “Do you still teach students like you used to?” “When I have kids I hope that you are still doing the Sex Ed thing.”

Let me just say that was the most rewarding 60 minutes that I have ever spent in the mall in my entire life. All I could do was look at Will and think about his future and thank God for being able to raise a godly daughter who married a godly man and praise God that both of them practiced what I teach and were virgins on their wedding night.

Let me be totally honest here. As I have turned 50 this year it makes you think about the past and the future as it relates to the present. God just allowed me to see that my past has positively affected the future. He also told me to stay faithful, faithful, faithful and this power to influence the future would increase.


Prov 4:20-22
20 My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;
22 For they are life to those who find them,
And health to all their flesh.

As I begin my 16th year of speaking in schools I am more excited than ever with all the possibilities that this year will hold for us. I know that this is my call to the youth of America, to bring the truth about sexual purity before them so that they can find a long healthy life. As you well know the “ABSTINENCE ONLY” message is under severe attack in the American public school system (as is all Biblical truth) but we will not stop or back up in the face of this opposition.

Thanks for reading!


Matt 5:13-16

Friday, August 8, 2008


We just finished our (Connie & I) first Youth Camp with our students at Generations Church. Youth Camp is an "experience" that we all need to have. It gets us away from the routine of our lives. It gets us out of the cycle we are in. It stretches us out of our comfort zones in worship, Word, & relationships.

We had some students that this was either their first or second time to ever go out of town and spend the night for several days. They were just in awe of the atmosphere at Mo Ranch (near Kerrville, TX). They were stretched in their worship, pulled into an introspective look at their lives, called to make life altering decisions, thrust into new relationships with each other, and challenged to go home and be a world changer.

We had 3 students in attendance who had made a choice to be followers of Christ the week before at our Sunday service. This meant that Youth Camp was like a compressed boot camp for them. Rules, time tables, worship twice a day, preaching twice a day, drama workshop, and last but not least was the river all afternoon.

The raw hunger that we saw at camp just reminded me of what it might be like if someone had been in prison for several years and then released. At first they were all feeling one another out to see if we can live in such close quarters and get along. Will I fit in and whom will I fit in with? You could see in their eyes a wariness like a dog who has been beaten and it is not sure whether or not you are going to do the same. As we worshipped you could see the hunger spreading from one to the other as they began to sense the love of God sweep them up into His arms and love them. The walls were coming down moment by moment day by day. Before long they were open to God through worship and the Word, but more importantly they were loving each other. For most of these students they live less than ideal home lives and seem to be always waiting for the other shoe to drop and crush their hopes and dreams. This was no dream all the food you wanted, all the love you could stand, people who were caring about you unconditionally, and intense spoken direction right into your circumstances. JESUS WAS AS CLOSE AS THE MENTION OF HIS NAME. JESUS WAS REAL AND NOT JUST A RELIGIOUS IDEAL!! The prisoners are free to live and free to love. Their battles are all about how they see themselves. Will they believe what Jesus says about them and refuse to believe what the world and their circumstances tell them?

Raw thirst . . . . Raw hunger . . . where are they? Why am I not hungry like that in everyday life. Because I let the cares and distractions of my world carry me down a polluted river called the world. Let's rise above these base desires and give ourselves over to a Savior who tells us "those that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled." Fill us Lord! Let me drink from the well that never runs dry of pure sparkling water that cleanses and refreshes me.

All in all youth camp is an "experience" that most of us have had and we have fond memories of it. The "experience" probably was not meant to last because we have to come back to the real world and live. However God has proven to us that He is there and knows the intimate details of our lives so let's live for Him. Let's follow Him. Let's trust Him. Let's believe Him. Let's obey Him. We can all do these things without being at camp. Then next summer will come and we love the "experience" again. Plus we will look back and know that we have come so far but He is willing to take us to even great heights.

Do not miss camp Sunday. It will be life changing.

Proverbs 28:1
The wicked flee when no one pursues,But the righteous are bold as a lion. NKJV



Sunday, July 27, 2008

Youth Camp in Nebraska

It was hot and humid much like Dallas, TX. We arrived at Maranatha Camp in Maxwell, Nebraska on Monday and left after four and a half days of anointed life changing youth camp. The reason I write about this particular camp is I find myself having to repent for judging other camps from other groups of people. This Wesleyan Church camp was ever bit as passionate about God and His Kingdom as any Charismatic camp I have ever conducted or preached at. Lord, forgive me for being so small minded when you are so big!!!

I am now in Denver hanging out with my parents for t he next few days. This is always a good thing since they moved from Lubbock in 1976 and my times with them are few and far between.

Just a thought as summer is on it's last leg. . . Isa 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace,Whose mind is stayed on You,Because he trusts in You. NKJV

As we set our focus into a new school year let us do so by setting a our mind and affections on the things of God. He then promises us great peace because we trust Him.

Loving God,
Pastor Ed

Friday, July 18, 2008

Two BIGGIES in one week . . .

This week has been awesome!! Will our first grandson became one year old this week and Connie and I celebrated 30 years marriage.

First, and foremost let me say that my wife is the "BOMB DIGGITY" (it just means that she is the best ever). Our lives together are fun, adventurous, exciting, and full of big dreams. With us their has never been a dull moment as we are both first born children, so you can imagine the excitement that this produces. We have led exciting lives: Ministry at Mardi Gra, ministry on the streets of Hollywood, Pastoring teenagers for 30 yrs, pioneering and pastoring two churches, ministry in 8 different nations, public schools in America and abroad, pastoring and speaking at to many camps to number, and much more that space does not allow to be told. This does not include the fun of having and raising three of the best kids in whole world (Jeff - 29, Denae - 26, & Lance - 23).

One editorial comment about marriage: There is NOTHING more rewarding and yet there is NOTHING that is harder work than MARRIAGE.

Secondly, we had Will's first birthday over at his house in his back yard. It was so much fun to see his proud parents throw a shindig that could only be described as controlled chaos. His dad had more fun opening the presents than Will did. The sombrero cake and pinata were big hits at the party. I know that there will be many more occasions to come, so stay tuned for the report.

On a personal note: Pray for Connie and I as a new school year approaches. We will be heading back into the mission field of America's public schools.

Stirred up to the core!!


Thursday, July 10, 2008


Most of us after big emotional events in our lives are over (weddings, funerals, etc.) we tend to process the event or events and it is days even weeks until we realize all that happened in us during that time.
Just a note about the picture. Gary and I were standing in a wheat field in the Ukraine while the person taking the picture was standing in Transnistria.

Well that is what has happened in my life with my trip to Transnistria and the Frontline Shepherds Conference that I participated in. There were 7 or 8 Senior Pastors in attendance along with their wives and assistants. Then there was about 100 cell church leaders. This makes a total of some where between 120-130 attendees. Let me say it was a distinct honor and privilege to speak into their lives.

Here are some lessons that they taught me and I brought them home with me. These may all seem elementary to you (they were to me) but I had to take inventory and know that I needed to get in touch with these truths again in my life.

1.) HAPPINESS IS NOT IN STUFF. HAPPINESS IS IN THE WILL OF GOD. They were so happy with so little yet they had so much (you know what I mean).

2.) VISION IS VISION NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE IN THE WORLD. Destiny and dreams are so vital to our lives that we (Americans) have some how thought our visions and dreams were the only ones that matter. These people have BIG dreams that will literally change the history of their nation. As Jesus said to the disciples in John 4:35 "lift up your eyes and look at the fields." The key in all things is what we see and how we look at circumstances.

3.) RELATIONSHIPS ARE WHAT TAKES US THROUGH THE TOUGH TIMES IN LIFE. I have never seen a team of people that loved and cared for each other as much as these people did and do. We want to microwave our relationships so that we can consume them rather than invest in them so that they will last. Let's invest in our teams.

4.) FAITH CHANGES THINGS. Enough said!!!!!

1 Thess 5:24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. NKJV

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I have been back in America now for 4 days after a trip to Transnistria. Most of you have not even heard of this country. I have people tell me that they could not find it on a map. The reason for this is because it is a country under dispute. There is a lot of controversy surrounding this country since the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 90's.

I spent 5 days in the city of Tiraspol doing a Frontline Shepherds conference. For obvious reasons we will leave all the names out to protect the guilty. You see our conference was the first time in over six months that there had been a corporate gathering at the church. The government shut them down so they have just been meeting in homes. I was told by the leader of the conference that if I saw a certain signal that I was to IMMEDIATELY sit down and some one would get up and we would be having a birthday party.

Despite what seemed to me to be enormous risks for them to meeting like this; we had three and a half days of anointed worship and life changing teaching. These men and women are so committed to the Kingdom. Actually in the area of discipleship I think they have a lot to teach us as Americans.

I am grateful that I live in America, but I am more determined than ever to use our blessings to be leaders in spreading the Gospel in dark places like Transnistria. They are a people with great vision for their country. I have so many stories to tell but I will hold on to them for another time.

Meditate on this:: Psalms 2:8 Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession. NKJV

Pastor Ed

Friday, June 27, 2008

The devil always gets the first shot but . . .

The enemy of our soul always takes the first swing. Look at Job. Joy comes in the morning after weeping. Saul killer of Christians. Paul and Silas in prison. Satan took his best shot.

God always goes second and He always hits it out of the ball park. Job got it all back and double. Saul turned Paul was one of the biggest soul winners, missionaries, church planter, and writer that the world has ever known. Paul and Silas in prison for the work of the Lord but when the earthquake came because of praise they were all free. Plus the jailer and his family became Christ followers.

What ever storm you are in just remember that Jesus is in your boat with you and He is not nervous. If you think that He is asleep? I promise you He will wake up and go second after the storm hits and declare "PEACE BE STILL." (Mark 4:35-39)

His Joy is Your Strength,

Monday, June 16, 2008

H. A. L. T. . . . STOP

The Bible teaches us that all temptation is common to man and that with temptation He is FAITHFUL to make a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). I have been teaching about temptation for the last few weeks at church. The first two parts of the series will be on the website ( sometime this week. I just wanted to encourage you today to H. A. L. T. or stop when we feel:

Hungry, Hurt



Tired or Bored

These emotions make us very vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. The enemy preys on our weakness. Check out Luke 4:13. Satan is looking for the next "opportune time" to prey on our weakness.

Be encouraged today the faithfulness of God has made a way of escape for you today.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Let's be the CHURCH . . .

In regards to my last blog . . . check out my wife's blog (the link is on my blog roll). She is so cool!! She truly loves people and I am so glad that she loves me. Being married to her really is an adventure.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Let's quit going to church . . .

Yeah! You read that right. "Let's quit going to church just to be religious." I am so tired of religious games and spiritual manipulation. Let's come to church ready to give (1 Cor. 14:26). Let's come to church ready to worship and receive what ever it takes to keep us strong so that we can be ready to walk out the front doors an BE THE CHURCH. Let's make the decision everyday that we will BE THE CHURCH wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Do you hear what I hear? The time of ministry to the saints is done and it is time for the ministry of the saints to begin. This your time to minister in the market places and neighborhoods of the world. You have the Holy Spirit in you and upon you that will equip you to the work of the ministry. You have a local church that should be feeding you the meat you need to stand strong and be and effective minister for the Kingdom.

Stay Stirred Up?

Pastor Ed

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Speaking to my dream . . .

1 Chron 22:15 Moreover there are workmen with you in abundance: woodsmen and stonecutters, and all types of skillful men for every kind of work.NKJV

David was making preparations to build the temple. While making the preparations to build he spoke the above words to those who were around. AS THE LEAD PASTOR OF GENERATIONS CHURCH IN LUBBOCK, TX I AM DECLARING THAT WE HAVE WORKERS (volunteers, coming staff) IN ABUNDANCE. I declare that they are all very skillful at what they do. Bring them on Lord as you build your church here in Lubbock.

1 Chron 28:20-21
20 And David said to his son Solomon,"Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God — my God — will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD. 21 Here are the divisions of the priests and the Levites for all the service of the house of God; and every willing craftsman will be with you for all manner of workmanship, for every kind of service; also the leaders and all the people will be completely at your command." NKJV

David now knew that he would not be the one to finish what he had started, but his son Solomon would be the one to build the "HOUSE OF THE LORD."

As a KINGDOM BUILDER I am taking these words to heart. If you are a part of Generations or you believe in what the Lord has called me to do then I ask that you begin to make these confessions with me. If you are a part of another local church here in Lubbock or around the world then I will help you by making them on your behalf.

Pastor Ed

Friday, May 30, 2008

New series of messages entitled "TEMPTATION ISLAND"

When I think about temptation and all it means these other words come to my mind: LURE, PROVOKE, ENTICE. In this new series of messages I want to share with you how to overcome temptation in our lives. Did you notice that I said, "OUR LIVES?" We all face temptation more than we want to admit.

We will look at the four facts about temptation, when we are tempted, and of course how we escape from temptation. You do not want to miss this opportunity to help yourself and help others by inviting them to come to Generations Church with you. (check out the website, it is updated

The "I MUST" series is available on CD this weekend.

He loves you and believes in you and so do I!!
Pastor Ed

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fun at the park with my friends and church family

Last night was awesome. I got a chance to see people of different races, cultures, backgrounds, socio-economic strata, and lifestyles just hanging out and getting to know one another. Some were just talking. Some were throwing a football around. Some were playing washers. Some were playing volleyball. Some were playing with their dogs and others dogs. We live in world where it is so easy to become isolated and indifferent to those around us. Then when we are hurting and lonely we find it difficult to make connections.

Most of our so called "friends" that we put so much stock in their thoughts and opinions of us back when we were in High School and College are not even involved in our lives any more. Yet they influenced life changing decisions that we made at the time. It is my sincere hope that we can invest in "ONE ANOTHER."

If I may at this point just issue a challenge to all who would drop by and check out this blog. CHECK OUT THE 31 OCCURENCES OF THE PHRASE "one another" as found in the N. T.

As a very dear friend of mine told me recently food is for fuel and fellowship is for fun. At our all church fun in the park I hope you had some fun and got fueled up. If not there will be other opportunities.
Believing in YOU!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My first but definitely not the last . . .

Here I go into the world of blogging. I definitely want to be a voice and not an echo. I want to be encouraging but not watered down. I want to be truthful but not hurtful. I want to write with conviction but not with rejection in mind.

I just finished a series of messages at Generations Church (the wonderful church that I have the privilege of being the Lead Pastor) called "DISCOVERING YOUR GOD GIVEN I MUST." These thoughts were based on the seven words of Jesus, " I MUST BE ABOUT MY FATHER'S BUSINESS." Jesus had His "I MUST" at 12 (Luke 2:41-52) and He still had it at 30 (Luke 4:18). Notice the word I used was discovering and not here it is do this.

Not that I had a question about it but I know without a doubt my "I MUST" is what I am doing. Leading a great church that will become a force in the earth and influencing a generation to live lives of purity and purpose.

My sense of destiny and purpose on a personal level and on a corporate level are at new heights. I know this because of the anointing on my life as I proceed and lead. (just a thought here) That is where the anointing is at . . . where we proceed step by step and lead. It is not pie in the sky I will wait until it just falls out of heaven on me. Recently I have sensed the Lord using me at home and abroad in a powerful way.

Lets get in the flow and see the Lord use us as we function in our "I MUST." Don't forget the "I MUST" challenge.


