Yeah! You read that right. "Let's quit going to church just to be religious." I am so tired of religious games and spiritual manipulation. Let's come to church ready to give (1 Cor. 14:26). Let's come to church ready to worship and receive what ever it takes to keep us strong so that we can be ready to walk out the front doors an BE THE CHURCH. Let's make the decision everyday that we will BE THE CHURCH wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Do you hear what I hear? The time of ministry to the saints is done and it is time for the ministry of the saints to begin. This your time to minister in the market places and neighborhoods of the world. You have the Holy Spirit in you and upon you that will equip you to the work of the ministry. You have a local church that should be feeding you the meat you need to stand strong and be and effective minister for the Kingdom.
Stay Stirred Up?
Pastor Ed
Stay Stirred Up?
Pastor Ed
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