Number 1 - What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. The only thing that stays in Vegas is your money.
Number 2 - Image is everything. You talk about putting on a front and man is it impressive.
Number 3 - New Vegas vs. Old Vegas. Bigger really is better. All the buildings and shows and everything is bigger in the New Vegas and I happen to think it is better.
Number 4 - Vegas is all about people. Every nationality, rich and poor, and lots and lots of LOST PEOPLE if you know what I mean. As in people who really need Jesus and not religion.
Number 5 - Fantasy = Hope. If the church (people of God) could ever really understand that this is all people are really looking for is some hope and we have the real thing in Jesus. We could change the world. Vegas offers false hope. Get rich quick! Medicate your pain and it will not be there later! Live a fantasy life and sin awhile because what happens here stays here. All are fantasies.
Number 6 - The CHURCH is behind. Vegas offers hope wrapped in a package. We have not figured out how to package hope yet.
Number 7 - You can go to SIN CITY and NOT SIN.
Just one man's observations.
Much Love,
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