My thought here is that if we would place so much value and worth on God the one true living God we would be in so much better shape as a person, city, state, and a nation. Our value system is all messed up. If we placed proper worth and value on our relationship with God all our other relationships would line up.
Alignment is the key! We could observe each others lives on daily basis and know who or what we worship by our alignment in life. What are we throwing our energy, time, talent, and finances behind?
Christmas is about God (Jesus) becoming a man and this event was accompanied by so much worship that I have chosen it as my preaching theme for the entire Christmas season. LET'S ALIGN (worship) OURSELVES WITH JESUS IN ALL THAT WE DO THIS SEASON.

1 comment:
Your message really does put everything into perspective about what I value and aligning with God,more now than ever. In this past year I have learned that there were so many other things that I put value on and worshipped more than I even did with God. My time, and what I had to get done, family,TV, and still God when I could find the time, but not moving forward. I always worried about what others thought; I,I,I,me,me,me selfish right? I still have some fears but I know now to look to God for the answers and before I really didn't try.I knew He was there, I grew up in church; but never really made a close connection with God. In looking back to a tragic period in the summer of 2001, I had lost sight of what God really meant to me. I had suddenly lost someone very dear to me in my family and afterward I began to push God aside; I was depressed, angry,and while still dealing with the loss of my nephew, and this is really where I began to see what God was doing in my life by showing me the lives my nephew touched. There were over 3,000 people that attended his funeral at Trinity, Then 9/11 happened and then just 6 months later my husband had a brain aneurysm,a hemmoragic stroke. During that time as I sat alone in the emergency room I began to see more & more that God had never left my side even though I had pushed him back. He kept letting me know that He had never left my side. I found a sense of calm and strength I had never experienced before. I was usually was one to panic when things would come up, and I was scared, but I was able to hold it together. I know now that He is in control. Since that time and even more so now, He has given me a clearer vision of what he values in me as a woman of God, and to be able to now see so much of what He has in store for my life. I value so much more in everyday, every moment in my daily worship, prayer with Him, family and loving others, and the blessings He has given. I value His time each day, more than my own. I cannot wait for each day to spend those precious moments with Him early mornings,evenings, or even a quiet moment during the day. I am so very blessed! You are right,Alignment is the key and all I have to do is open the door.
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