Casting VISION is something that we church leaders talk a lot about and preach about a lot but I think it is one of most challenging concepts to really put into application. It becomes easy to layout big grandiose plans, dreams, and goals but it becomes quite another thing to really live it out.
As the LEADER though you must still THINK IT - SAY IT - SEE IT - BELIEVE IT every day of your life and others will eventually get the VISION.
A GOD SIZE VISION is a must. If we can pay for it, If we can figure it out, If we are not just a little bit scared then our VISION probably is not GOD SIZE.
When the VISION comes to pass (either in part or in fulfillment) it will be because it took the hand of God to make the VISION happen and He gets all the glory.
I have a conviction that our VISIONS come to pass as ordinary everyday people in ordinary everyday life do EXTRA-ORDINARY acts of kindness for others. Sort of a FREE MARKET MINISTRY CONCEPT where ministry is taking place anytime, anywhere, by anyone. Let's break the mold and take the ministry to the MARKET PLACE and put ministry in the hands of non-professionals.
This will require a major SHIFT in our thinking. I am convinced that we must go from always thinking SUCCESS (nickels and noses) to thinking SIGNIFICANCE (changed lives). Then as we ENVISION free market ministry taking place anywhere, any place, any time, we will find that the numbers increase along with the ministry.
With the above thoughts in mind GENERATIONS CHURCH is making the SHIFT to advance the King and His Kingdom through SIGNIFICANCE (changed lives) by TOUCHING the city - TEACHING the nation - TRAINING the world. Keep up with how we are doing by checking out www.generationslubbock.com.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
Pastor Ed,
I love the concept of free market ministry. I believe to see the world changed it takes people working together under one vision in many different ways to do it. Free market ministry is the way we do this because it breaks the idea that only pastors do ministry. If we want to touch a city than we need people starting ministry in their business, their schools, and where eever else the go. We each have our own world that we can touch, teach, and train. Free market ministry will be the tool used to accomplish the vision!
Thank you so much for having us in your church on Sunday the 6th. Me and my husband were on a high from your sermon all day long and then thru the week. We were sad to miss this Sunday and look forward to listing to you on the site when you get it up. Thank you for making us feel welcome. We have tried so many places and have not felt at home. I have to say I felt at home when we were there. We are going to come in on Wed and get a spiritual fix. Thanks agian,
Stephanie Diehl
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