It took me an unusual amount of time to get back to normal from my trip to Mongolia. By the way thanks to all of you who prayed and gave so that I could have a successful trip.
God granted me the privilege of speaking 21 times in 9 days.
5 Abstinence assemblies in schools (1 in a private school)
2 Sunday AM service in churches
1 Youth Pastors meeting
10 Sessions on Youth Ministry @ the Bible School.
1 VET NET - animal doctors who go to the country side and train other vets (they are all believers).
1 Youth Service
1 Youth Rally
What am I reading?
Servolution by Dino Rizzo
Building Successful Teams by Bill Butterworth
What am I listening to?
Awakening by Passion
Kenny G
What am I enjoying?
I have had two grand children born in the last 8 weeks
Reed David Hutson (Denae's)
Allie Hope Ainsworth (Jeff's)
What am I preaching about at Generations Church?
A great series called "GRACE TO YOU" from the book of Galations. Check it out on the www.generationslubbock.com home page. You can stream, podcast, or download the mp3.
More thoughts to come. I am back in the the blog world.
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