In my 32+ years of working with students I have never known of a time where a generation needed someone to be committed to their success like there is now. Everywhere they turn today people are either doubting them or quitting on them. From government to parents and all in between.
This voice of SKEPTICISM yells at them about how bad and lazy they are but never COMMITS THEMSELVES to be an answer to the problem by getting involved. They just sit on the side lines and BRING EVERYTHING INTO QUESTION - even the good stuff this generation brings to the table (gifts, abilities, ideas).
So SKEPTICAL are the previous generations that they almost delight when something this generation attempts does not work, or they get angry and mean when their plans are taking longer to work because times are more complicated (which is not their fault) or people are to stubborn to adopt change (look in the mirror here).
The SKEPTIC takes on a "watch dog" mentality that constantly questions everything from method to motivation of the MILLENNNIALS. They have forgotten how tough it is to live in changing times, so when life requires new methods to conquer new problems they get stuck complaining about the ways of the new generation.
As far as THE MESSAGE (Gospel) it is timeless and will never change but the METHOD of delivery most certainly will change. Words cannot always fix every persons problems (sitting and listening to a teaching). Plus they will not just walk in off the street to hear it so we take the MESSAGE to their problem. Sometimes this world needs to feel it and see it before they believe it. That is the way this generation of youth feel so they are good at responding to the call that way but the generations before seem SKEPTICAL of them for being SKEPTICS of OUR MESSAGE.
Far greater to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure. Than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither endure much or suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory or defeat. Sir Winston Churchill

The real answer to a SKEPTICS HEART no matter how old or young they may be is found in the verse before that one. John 6:29 Jesus said, “Throw your lot in with the One that God has sent. That kind of a commitment gets you in on God’s works. The Message Bible (emphasis added)
Let's all say it to them together: I BELIEVE IN YOU!!
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