I have three observations for you that I believe will encourage to finish strong.

2. It really is true that with out prayer and fasting some things just will not happen.(see Matthew 9:20,21) Prayer and fasting is that SMART BOMB that zeroes in on the exact poiint that change needs to happen. That change is usually in us and not others: our thinking, our words, living out of our feelings rather than our faith. Just to name a few.
3. Jesus said that we would fast so we should. (see Matthew 9:14-17) Please consider making prayer and fasting a part of your regular spiritual disciplines. Many of us will move into worry and complaining rather than going into a brief time of prayer and fasting that will help us hit the RESET BUTTON on all drama and decisions that we wrestle with.
Finally, I have noticed that my perspectives on people, places, and circumstances has totally changed during these days of AWAKENING 2012. They have definitely changed for the better! That does not mean that there are not still challenges out there but it does mean I look at them differently now.
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