We began by waiting in Jackson Square for our drivers who dropped us off, so while waiting we assembled our POSITIVE SIGNS THAT SHARE LOVE, HOPE, AND GRACE.
Connor struck up a conversation with me while his friend was in conversation with another member of our team. I love it when this happens because you know they will be more open to a conversation which you started. He told me that the two of them were "TRAIN HOPPERS." I took the bait and listened for several minutes while he told me about the dangers and adventure of their travels. As a listened to him the Holy Spirit just dropped the thought in my spirit that he and his Dad were at odds which is why he took off from home at such an early age. Connor's response was to pause, look at his shoes, tear up and say, "WELL MAYBE . . ." I knew the Holy Spirit was on target so I seized the opportunity to tell him of the love of a Father who would never reject him. His buddy came over and he was ready to go so I ENDED THE CONVERSATION BY HANDING HIM A VERY SIMPLE TRACT ENTITLED LOVE TAKES A CHANGE OF HEART. My words were to the effect of put this in your pocket and read it at a quite moment and reflect on what I have told you about the FATHER WHO WILL NEVER REJECT YOU.
While this was going on Connie went over to a palm reader in the square and gave her some money because she was complaining that our signs were ruining her business. Because of Connie's generosity the lady really opened up to Connie. Her name was SASSY. She told Connie that last year she got into an altercation with some so called "christians" who shouted insults at her and her friends and eventually ended up injuring Sassy physically to the point that she had to be removed in an ambulance. She told Connie that we had a different way about us and she was glad to know us.
We moved from Jackson Square to Bourbon St.and this is where it became a little challenging in that people did not stop and engage us in conversation as the night before. All of our conversations we initiated which is not all bad and most of them were fruitful.
Collin was in an intellectual who wanted to talk about religion and intellectual matters which would do his spirit no good. We kept trying to point him to Jesus. Every once in a while he would contemplate something that we said and go back to the mind games of stuff that has nothing to do with a real and personal Jesus. We eventually prayed for him and said our goodbyes.
After supper our team went to Jackson Square again to engage people in conversation without the benefit of having a large group with our signs. This went very well as some members of our team were able to lead a man to relationship with Jesus and some others prayed with a person who was practicing "SPIRITISM OR CHANNELLING."
We then headed back to Bourbon St. and St. Ann's which is the part of Bourbon St. where the gay bars are found. My team had not experienced this part of Bourbon St. yet, so I had separated them in teams and gave them 20 minutes to go in different directions while Connie and I stood still with a sign in the middle of the street. Our sign read, "ARE YOU GOING TO HEAVEN?" sub text "TWO QUESTIONS REVEAL THE ANSWER." The two questions are "If you died tonight would you go to heaven?" no matter what they answer you immediately ask, "How do you know?" Well Connie got danced with, we got beads thrown directly at us and I had girl who thought she would expose herself right in my face. I closed my eyes and looked at the ground while they said vulgar things and Connie stepped over right in front of me as shield. Our team arrived back on time we went on down to the "NORMAL SECTION OF BOURBON ST." (HA, HA).
At this point some things begin to BREAK for us. Everybody on the team got in some really good conversations and we prayed with many people.

I cannot remember this lady's name but I will call her the "OLDER EXPOSER WITH A PERVERTED HUSBAND." This was a lady who the night before was exposing herself while her husband took pictures of her with strangers. ENOUGH SAID!! Connie went up to her and told her how valuable she was and that she did not need to do this. Last night Connie bought her a beautiful necklace on our supper break in hopes that we would see her again and WE DID!! Connie went right up to her and gave her the gift she was shocked beyond belief. It opened a door for Connie to really love on her and share God's goodness with her. I could tell the conversation was waning because the husband was getting very antsy, so I went to engage the husband in conversation. To my utter shock and amazement he literally shouted TEXAS TECH when he saw my jacket with the logo on it. He said that he was a former Indiana University student and Bob Knight fan so he followed TEXAS TECH when Coach Knight came to Lubbock. We started a whole conversation about basketball while Connie ministered to his wife. GOD IS REALLY GOOD AT SETTING UP THESE DIVINE APPOINTMENTS. No we did not lead them to faith in Christ but they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus loves them and two Texans are praying for them as they go through their life in Florida.
During the evening one of our team members found her heart just breaking because of all that she had seen and heard so we took off a little early and took a coffee break to pray and refresh her. God is faithful to help us in these times. Our hearts should be breaking for the condition of our world. TO ME THIS IS OUR TAKE AWAY FROM A MINISTRY TRIP LIKE THIS . . . . PEOPLE ARE LOST AND HOPELESS WITHOUT JESUS. We can do this right where we live. EVANGELISM IS NOT OPTIONAL AND IT IS NOT A MISSIONS TRIP IT IS A LIFESTYLE.
More to come . . . .
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